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Meltdown of the Week


Finding Roger Federer Meltdown footage on YouTube is like finding a seat on the Number 4 Lexington Avenue subway at 9:30 in the morning. [Non-New Yorkers, take note: it's rare.] The Greatest of All Time usually deals with blown shots by dragging his middle finger across his forehead and tucking his hair behind his ear. Not this time. This was a semi-final match with Novak Djokovic at the 2009 Sony Ericsson Open in Miami, Florida. Djokovic just broke Fed in the third and deciding set and was up 15-0 when the Greatest of All Time took his eyes off a routine approach shot that could have evened the score. Federer went through lots of racquets when he was playing the junior circuit; wonder if he felt a little wave of nostalgia upon banging this one hard into the court.

On the Sideline

A Lesson From Timothy Gallwey

Since first reading the invaluable classic, The Inner Game of Tennis, I've wanted to take a lesson with Timothy Gallwey.  I yearned to experience for myself what it would be like to have coaching that focused on my innate ability to navigate the physical world, instead of a series of positions that I needed to master.

I got my wish when I found on YouTube this archival footage of Tim Gallwey teaching a complete novice how to play tennis.  It was featured on ABC's "The Reasoner Report" with Harry Reasoner in the 1970s.  

There are few interruptions, save for graphics that let the viewer know how long the student, Molly, has been on the court getting instruction from Gallwey.

My favorite quotation from Gallwey:

No tennis player really sees the ball enough.  And the reason is they get bored. 

Bored!  Tennis points last a matter of seconds, and yet we find time inside those precious seconds to yearn for something else to stimulate us.  

Nothing boring about this video.  Give it a watch, and tell me what you learned from it, or from Gallwey's book.  Because, Haters, I have a feeling you've got a copy, and it's dog-eared and marked up like mine. 

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